
Paperback edition of Verses for the Middle of the Night. I will sign your copy if requested in the comments section. You can also buy ebooks and paperbacks via Amazon and Barnes & Noble, originally published 12/31/23. 


You’ve been struggling, just trying to get through the days in survival mode. Nobody knows about the darkness that overwhelms you. The demons coming against you, the giants you’re facing. So, when night comes, sleep does not always come easy because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Will it be a continuous cycle of despair? I have been there, and it doesn’t have to be that way for you.
You need power, real power that is like nothing else. Earth-shaking, life-changing, chain-breaking, storm-calming power. And that kind of power can only come from one place. The Word of God and faith in Jesus Christ.
Your inner light has dimmed so much that you can barely see it. But there is a light that shines bright in the darkest night, and that light can shine within you.
You’ve tried everything else and have been disappointed, maybe felt worse than before. What if this works? What if it’s real? You have nothing to lose by giving God the chance to show you what He can do in your life.

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