
Fragrance: Neroli and more.


I think the prairies of Oklahoma are just a little bit closer to Heaven despite their geographical altitude or lack thereof. The sky seems closer somehow. Everything seems just within reach. It's a world all its own, a place set apart. The blessings far outweigh the hardships, and the peace far outshines the dark clouds and storms when they come. The wind blows away everything that is not solid and anchored, and the rain washes away most of our troubles.

In the Bible, men of God went to a mountaintop to speak with God. I find Him on the prairie, out in the open. Where He can see me and I can see Him in everything around me. The flowers, the trees, the prairie dogs, the creeks, and even the very rocks cry out and praise Him. It's a symphony you can hear if you can quiet all the noise in your mind.

This must be like the places Jesus withdrew to, to be alone to speak with His Father. Surely this is God's garden, for He passes through with the breeze, and I can hear Him when it rains and thunders. I can feel the moment the temperature drops a few degrees in the evening as I sit outside and watch the sunset. And I think this must be the time of day that God found Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, because the Bible says He was walking through the garden in the cool of the day. So I like to walk around in the evenings, hoping I'll meet Him out there walking too.

2 ounce fine spray mist in plastic bottle.

All product label artwork, written content, and intellectual property are Copyright Sherry Scott and may not be duplicated or reproduced in any way without written permission.

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peace on the prairie spray mist

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