
Myrrh Anointing Oil - 2 Dram bottle with dropper, boxed.

Myrrh is a resin that is often used as an incense. It was one of the gifts of the 3 wise men in the Bible, when they brought gifts to Jesus after His birth. Myrrh was often used in embalming and was a symbol of His future death for our sins and resurrection.

We see other references to myrrh in the Bible as well. 

  • Purification (Esther 2:12)
  • Anointing oil (Exodus 30:23)
  • Perfume (Song of Solomon 3:6)
  • Embalming and Burial (John 19:39)
  • Medicine & Painkiller (Mark 15:23)
  • Wedding & Love (Proverbs 7:17-18)

I have tried many different brands of essential oils over the years, and the myrrh essential oil I use for this anointing oil is thick and dark with a warm, rich fragrance. 

If you are not familiar with anointing oils, they are for anointing a person you are praying for or one's self. 

These oils are made by me personallly, and I have over 10 years experience blending essential oils and use only the finest quality essential oils (not fragrance oils). For these anointing oils, I use a high-quality culinary grade extra virgin olive oil as a carrier oil. 

You may wish to pray over your oil before using it. Below is an example of a prayer, one that I pray over my oils before use:

Heavenly Father, bless this oil for Your purposes, in the name of Jesus. Let it be used as a tool and symbol of faith and prayer, if it be Your will and in accordance with Your Word. In Jesus's Name, Amen.

Some people like to anoint other things and items they are praying about or items that symbolize their circumstances, such as their home for blessing and protection, their car, their checkbook to represent their finances, copies of legal documents, or whatever concerns you. 


*I highly caution against use on pets or children because of sensetivities to essential oils. As with all products containing essential oils, if you have sensetive skin, you may want to test a small area for allergy. Not for internal use or on broken or irritated skin. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. If you wish to anoint your child or pet when you pray for them, I recommend an anointing oil that has no added essential or fragrance oils and is 100% pure olive oil.

Full disclosure and transparancy: Please also be aware that no anointing oil is to be considered holy in and of itself, no matter whose name is on the label or who claims to have prayed over it (God hears your prayer too). They do not have special power, and we would be misplacing our faith if we thought otherwise. We are not meant to depend on the oil itself for miracles or answered prayers - those things come from God. All anointing oils are simply a Biblical tool and symbol of prayer and faith in God, to be used as as such. Our faith is not meant to be in the oil itself. You can also use a bottle of olive oil from the store, which you have prayed over and designated for these purposes as well. Anointing oils with essential oils are nice and have a wonderful fragrance, but they are not better than what you may already have in your kitchen cabinet. I, myself have a bottle in my own cupboard that is used only for special purposes of anointing and prayer. 

No oil - essential, metaphysical, aromatherapy, or anointing has the power to cure illness and is not intended to replace medical or any other type of professional treatment, advice or service. 

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myrrh anointing oil

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